5 Things to Get a Dancer This Holiday Season!
With the holidays coming up in just a couple weeks, it might be time to start thinking about what to gift the dancer in your life!
Here's a list of 5 things that are on almost every dancer's wish list: 1. Scrunchies: These scrunchies from amazon are cute and fashionable, and there's one to match every leotard possible!
Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KC2TH9Z/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_sLP7DbB9T3WZ3 2. Water Bottle: These water bottles by Simple Modern are not only affordable, but also come in 8 different sizes and over 20 colors! They keep your drinks cold for hours, which is great to drink from while sweating through your third dance class of the night.
Link: https://www.simplemodern.com/products/summit-water-bottle-with-straw-lid-32oz?variant=28247658889288 3. New Leotards/Tights: Discount Dance Supply & Motionwear have tons of beautiful leotards for every dancer's style.
Link: https://motionwear.com/dance/pinch-front-bowtie-back-halter-leotard/ Link: https://www.discountdance.com/index.php?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI24Ooi9mw5gIVR5yzCh2XMgIXEAAYASAAEgIPs_D_BwE
4. New Dance Bag: Grab one of these sparkly personalized dance bags that every female dancer will want to get their hands on!
Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/514907794/personalized-purple-dance-bag-girls?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=dance+bag&ref=sc_gallery-1 3&plkey=13e60139dbc57480c52219017606fbefd4b11131%3A514907794&frs=1&bes=1&col=1 5. Higher Movement Apparel: Check out all of the apparel near the front desk of the studio! There are t-shirts, dance bags and water bottles that any Higher Movement dancer would love!
Happy Holidays and happy shopping!
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